Friday, January 3, 2014


Soo...I haven't posted in nearly three months. I've been busy, and bored, and unmotivated, and uninspired.

I live in Montreal, how can I be uninspired? I guess the best answer to that question is that I lived in the middle of nowhere all my life, and made my own entertainment. Now I'm constantly looking at big ads, lots of people, fashion, media, storefronts, and life. My senses have been kicked into overdrive, and I sort of shut down.

I went to my parents' for the holidays. Out of cell service, out of high-speed internet, away from three lane highways and speedy underground trains. I was there for almost two weeks, and I had to entertain myself in ways I haven't needed to in three months. I didn't think I'd become that person who relies on their smartphone and walks around with their eyes looking at anything but the world around them, but the city was sucking the life out of me in ways I didn't realize until I was back in the boonies.

I am super happy to be home. I missed my apartment and the hustle and bustle, with stores open past nine and the luxury of wearing a cute outfit and having people look at me with that small ping of "I want those boots."

I think I am quite a different person than I was when I first got to the city. I'm quite a different person than I was when I went to my parents' for Christmas. I can't say it's the new year, because I felt the change before I came home on new year's eve.

Anyway, I've deleted all my old posts and I'm starting from scratch with new ideas and a basic concept that will flow through all my posts.

More excitement is to come, as I feel fresh, rejuvenated, and ready to go.

Stay golden,



  1. Are you going to turn this into a fashion blog?

    1. No! I promise. There will be enough to keep you interested, my fine sir.
